Say Nothing, the latest TV series based on the book by journalist Patrick Radden Keefe, is creating a buzz for its authentic portrayal of the true story behind the events of The Troubles in Belfast, Ireland. The show focuses on the disappearance and murder of Jean McConville, highlighting the role of the IRA during this tumultuous period. The narrative also delves into the lives of IRA members like Dolours Price, who later spoke out about her involvement in violent acts ordered by Gerry Adams.
The series explores the harrowing true story of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, including the disappearance of McConville and the accusations of her being a British informant. While Adams denied allegations made by former IRA members, including Dolours Price, about his involvement in McConville’s murder, the story sheds light on the complex web of events during that time.
The show is praised for its excellent writing and performances by the cast, including Lola Petticrew, Hazel Doupe, Josh Finan, and Anthony Boyle, making it a must-watch thriller series. You can watch Say Nothing on Disney+ and delve into the haunting tale of those who lived through The Troubles and the violent actions taken in the name of their cause.
Photo credit www.lifestyleasia.com