Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Press Release: Addressing Plastic Waste During Holiday Shopping Season

As the holiday shopping season kicks off, concerns about plastic packaging waste are mounting, emphasized by a new report from the Vermont Public Interest Research and Education Fund (VPIRG). According to the report, dubbed “’Tis the Season for Less Plastic,” plastic pollution now permeates every corner of the globe, impacting both the environment and human health.

VPIRG highlights a dramatic increase in household waste during the festive season, with U.S. trash rates rising by over 25%, much of which is plastic that persists in the environment for centuries. The report points to specific sources of problematic plastics—from throwaway cameras and individually wrapped produce to black plastic kitchen items contaminated with harmful flame retardants.

Paul Burns, VPIRG’s executive director, remarked, “Plastic waste is all around us and escalating daily. Nearly all plastic ever created is still present, merely breaking down into smaller, toxic particles that contaminate air and water.”

The report calls attention to food items excessively wrapped in plastic, such as fresh produce, which can often be found unpackaged in other stores. Lauren Hierl, executive director of the Vermont Natural Resources Council, added that common kitchen utensils made from black plastic pose health risks due to toxic chemical contamination.

To combat this issue, VPIRG recommends alternatives like silicone or wooden kitchen tools as eco-friendly gift options this season. The report aims to encourage consumers to rethink their holiday purchases and consider sustainable choices that reduce plastic waste.

This pressing issue urges us to reflect on our consumption habits and take steps to minimize our environmental footprint during the holiday season and beyond.

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