A new Prime Video documentary series, “Glitter & Greed: The Lisa Frank Story,” is set to unveil the dark side of the beloved lifestyle brand Lisa Frank Incorporated. The company, known for its whimsical school supplies and stickers in the 1980s and 1990s, is portrayed as having a hidden toxicity that has been lurking at its core for decades. The trailer for the four-part docuseries features contributors who claim there were scandals, greed, and legal battles within the company, with one individual going as far as saying that Lisa Frank ruined their life.
Scheduled for release on December 5, the documentary includes never-before-seen footage and interviews with over 20 insiders, enthusiasts, and journalists connected to Lisa Frank, Inc. The series aims to unravel a nostalgia-soaked, stranger-than-fiction tale that exposes the darker side of the iconic brand. However, some fans have expressed resistance to watching the documentary, fearing it may taint their childhood memories of Lisa Frank.
“Glitter & Greed: The Lisa Frank Story” comes from the executive producers behind the documentary series “Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV,” which focused on the toxic behind-the-scenes world of children’s television programs from the 1990s to the 2000s. With a special focus on Dan Schneider’s tenure at Nickelodeon, the previous series shed light on the dark realities of the entertainment industry. Now, “Glitter & Greed” promises to do the same for the beloved brand of Lisa Frank.
Photo credit www.dailymail.co.uk