The Burlington Free Press website has been designed to provide the best experience for all readers by utilizing the latest technology to make it faster and easier to use. However, some browsers are not supported which may affect the user’s experience on the site.
To ensure optimal functionality and experience while browsing on, the website recommends downloading and using one of the supported browsers. By doing so, readers can take full advantage of the features and content available on the site.
Unsupported browsers may result in slower load times, format display issues, and limited access to certain features on the website. By downloading a supported browser, readers can enjoy a seamless browsing experience with quicker loading times and access to all of the content on
For the best experience on the Burlington Free Press website, it is recommended to download one of the supported browsers to fully enjoy the features and content available. Stay updated on local news, events, and more by browsing the site with a supported browser to ensure a smooth and enjoyable reading experience.
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