The upcoming Telugu movie “Drinker Sai,” produced by Everest Cinemas and Smart Screen Entertainments, was launched with a teaser event that featured celebrities in everyday roles. The film, directed by Kiran Tirumalasetti, stars Dharma and Aishwarya Sharma in lead roles and is inspired by real events. The producers and actors expressed their excitement for the theatrical release, promising a unique cinematic experience with a heartfelt love story. The teaser highlights the youthful and entertaining vibe of the film, showcasing Dharma’s emotional performance and Aishwarya’s well-balanced acting. The supporting cast includes prominent actors like Posani Krishna Murali, Sameer, and Bhadram. In addition to the engaging storyline, the technical team behind “Drinker Sai” includes talented professionals in costume design, SFX, VFX, art, choreography, music, and more. Director Kiran Tirumalasetti assured viewers that the film, despite its initial impression, will offer a captivating and entertaining experience on the big screen. Overall, “Drinker Sai” promises to be a commercial success with a meaningful message for its audience.
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