The charming tale of the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is set to come to life at Chase Farm in Lincoln, Rhode Island. The historic farm will be transformed into the eerie world of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman for an immersive experience for visitors of all ages.
The event, presented by the Valley Breeze, will feature a variety of activities and attractions inspired by Washington Irving’s classic story. Attendees can look forward to interactive theatrical performances, spooky storytelling sessions, a pumpkin patch, hayrides, and much more.
Chase Farm, with its rustic barns and beautiful landscapes, provides the perfect backdrop for this Halloween-themed event. Families can explore the farm’s grounds while taking in the sights and sounds of the Halloween season. The event promises to be a fun and entertaining experience for all who attend.
Visitors are encouraged to come dressed in their Halloween costumes to fully immerse themselves in the spirit of the “Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” The event will run on select dates throughout October, giving guests plenty of opportunities to experience the magic of this classic tale.
Tickets for the event can be purchased in advance, and all proceeds will go towards supporting the preservation of Chase Farm and other historic sites in the area. Whether you’re a fan of the original story or just looking for a fun Halloween activity, the Legend of Sleepy Hollow at Chase Farm is sure to be a memorable experience that you won’t want to miss.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Valley Breeze website. Get ready to step into the world of the Headless Horseman and embark on a spooky adventure at Chase Farm this October.
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