Radio aired a recent feature on a unique program at the Vermont women’s prison. The program involves a peer-led class that teaches restorative justice principles to fellow inmates. Restorative justice is an approach to justice that focuses on repairing harm caused by criminal behavior and fostering reconciliation between the offender and the victim.
The program was started by inmate Shirley Squires, who has a background in social work and a passion for helping others. Squires saw a need for restorative justice principles to be taught in the prison, as many of the women had experienced trauma and needed healing. She approached the prison administration with the idea of starting a class, and they were supportive of the initiative.
The class is now run by a group of peer facilitators, including Squires, who have been trained in restorative justice principles. The facilitators lead discussions and activities that help the women in the program explore topics such as empathy, accountability, and forgiveness. They also provide a space for the participants to share their own experiences and learn from one another.
The program has had a positive impact on the women involved, helping them to develop skills in communication, conflict resolution, and empathy. It has also created a sense of community within the prison, with the participants supporting and encouraging one another on their journey towards healing and growth.
Overall, the peer-led class at the Vermont women’s prison is a shining example of how restorative justice principles can be applied in a correctional setting. The program provides a valuable opportunity for inmates to learn and grow, while also contributing to a safer and more rehabilitative environment within the prison.
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