Ryan Murphy, the creator of “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story,” is defending the new Netflix series after receiving criticism from Erik Menendez, one of the brothers involved in the real-life case. The series, released on Sept. 19, depicts the 1989 murders of Jose and Kitty Menendez by their sons Lyle and Erik, who were subsequently convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Murphy responded to Erik Menendez’s negative comments by encouraging him to watch the show and praising the actor who portrayed him.
The series aims to present multiple perspectives on the case, including the brothers’ claims of sexual abuse by their father, which were excluded from their second trial. Murphy emphasized the importance of addressing male sexual abuse and allowing viewers to form their own opinions on the guilt or innocence of the Menendez brothers. Despite the controversy surrounding the show, Murphy is no stranger to tackling provocative themes in his work and stands by his creative decisions.
Erik Menendez expressed disappointment in the series’ portrayal of his brother and the allegedly inaccurate representation of their lives, accusing Murphy of perpetuating harmful stereotypes. He criticized Netflix for regressing in its handling of male sexual abuse narratives and called into question the creator’s intentions. Despite the backlash, Murphy remains confident in the show’s approach to highlighting the complexities of the Menendez case and sparking important conversations about the novel themes it explores.
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